SBA - Seoul Business Agency

KOR 전체메뉴


We support the increase in corporate sales [exports] through the operation of a Global Marketing Center, support for superior product brands, and assistance in expanding domestic and international distribution channels

Support for Increase of Corporate sales [exports]


SBA Global Marketing Center acts as a hub for attracting major global commerce platforms and collaborates with SPN companies to provide one-stop support for the global expansion of Seoul-based businesses.

  • SBA Global Marketing Center
    SBA Global Marketing Center

    SBA Global Marketing Center (GMC) collaborates with both online and offline commerce enterprises abroad to drive the international expansion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in Seoul.

  • S-Live Studio
    S-Live Studio

    S-Live Studio boosts SME market reach through live commerce, offering studio rental, production support, and influencer-driven content to enhance product visibility globally.

  • Seoul Awards Lounge
    Seoul Awards Lounge

    The Seoul Awards Lounge, located on the first floor of the Global Marketing Center’s C Building, is a versatile space designed to support Seoul-based SMEs. It serves as a dynamic venue for brand showcases, live commerce events, buyer meetings, and seminars.

Overseas Sales Support

We contribute to increasing SME sales by identifying outstanding products and expanding their reach through both online and offline overseas sales channels.

  • Trade on

    An online B2B export platform offering continuous support to SMEs by providing buyer verification, B2B matching for buying offers and inquiries, and export advisory consultations, all aimed at expanding export opportunities through ongoing services.

  • Seoul Awards Certification Support
    Seoul Awards Certification Support

    Seoul Awards, launched by the Seoul Business Agency, certifies top Seoul SME products that reflect the innovative Seoul lifestyle.

  • Beauty Trade Show
    Beauty Trade Show

    Provide overseas market advancement support for small but promising beauty&living brands in Seoul with 1:1 matching export meetings with international buyers, promotion with international influencers and more.

  • Overseas Trade Fair
    Overseas Trade Fair

    We support SME exporters by organizing joint booths at major international exhibitions, focusing on global trends in beauty, IT, electronics, and living. This initiative helps SMEs promote their brands, connect with buyers, and establish a global market presence.

  • Live Commerce
    Live Commerce

    We boost SME sales by promoting live commerce with overseas influencers, offering S-LIVE studio support, broadcast planning, and assistance with international exports and order management.

  • Global B2B Business Matching
    Global B2B Business Matching

    We support SME exporters by organizing joint booths at major international exhibitions, focusing on global trends in beauty, IT, electronics, and living. This initiative helps SMEs promote their brands, connect with buyers, and establish a global market presence.

Growth Support Programs

  • Hi-Seoul Company Certification
    Hi-Seoul Company Certification

    An accreditation system established under the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance, recognizing outstanding Seoul-based companies.

  • Show-fluencer Certification Program
    Show-fluencer Certification Program

    The Show-fluencer Certification Program trains and certifies global Show-fluencers through hands-on instruction in live commerce and e-commerce marketing.

